Hello and welcome to the first ever post on my tarot court card blog!
Glad that you found your way here! It was a bit of a struggle for me too – does the world need yet another Tarot blog?! Well, we’ll soon see 🙂
Hopefully you’re here because you want to expand on what you know about Court Cards…. and are up for a bit of fun at their expense too! If you came here looking for the latest gen on the Lannisters and the Starks, you’re in the wrong place. That’s the OTHER Game of Thrones. It’s not as much fun as THIS one is going to be…….
There have been some birthing pangs with this blog – and I’m sure that I’ve got some changes to make over the next few days – but like any other proud parent, I got a free natal chart from Astrolab:
Happy birthday, This Game of Thrones! So which Court Card could represent the blog – based on the moon, sun and rising sign?