About Me

Hello and thank you for visiting my About Me page.
Let me tell you a little bit about my Tarot background.
I’ve been reading professionally since 2003 or thereabouts.
I’ve also been the Chairman of the Tarot Association of The British Isles (TABI) quite a few times. It’s a post that I’ve held – on and off – for nearly 9 years in total. My most recent stint was a joint stint with my US-based colleague, Joanne Sprott.
Prior to becoming Chair, I edited TABI’s ezine for about four years too. We carried all sorts of articles – from what it was like to work on psychic phone lines, to interviews with well-known authors and artists.
These days I still contribute to various publications, mostly The Cartomancer (available in print form and digital) and have also featured in Fate and Fortune (weekly magazine) and Psychologies magazine.
Home is currently a small Scottish island where I live in almost constant cold, wet weather with my partner, son, hamster*, assorted fish* and my big and black retired racing greyhound, Nero. The fish are** in a tank, it’s not THAT wet here (she adds helpfully).
*All the fish have now passed on into that great pond In The Sky. And the hamster has her very own headstone in the garden 🙂 Nero is still with us!
In my day to day work, other than Tarot, I have held a variety of jobs including working on the island’s local newspaper. My most recent gainful employment was as the Marketing Assistant for Bute’s tourism group (VisitBute!). Mostly, I design websites and help people with their virtual admin including social networking.
In 2019 and beyond I am also assisting Mark Ryan in his goal to reprint The Greenwood Tarot (helping with techy stuff!)
Sometimes I manage to factor in a little light housework – if I can be bothered.
Mostly I can’t be bothered.
Which court card do I see myself as? Probably veering between the confidence and bravado of the Queen of Wands and the austere bullshit-free zone that constitutes the Queen of Swords.
I don’t include my home address here, but please contact me by email or the social networking platforms and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
* These pets have now passed on to the great Wheel and Bowl in the sky
** were 😀