Tarot In Art
Tarot in Art | King of Coins | Salvador Dali

I have not seen this one up for sale before; the King of Coins image by Salvador Dali … of Salvador Dali as the King of Coins.
I have not seen this one up for sale before; the King of Coins image by Salvador Dali … of Salvador Dali as the King of Coins.
Golly, this is one for those with very deep pockets! A set of 23 tarot cards (all the Majors plus a Significator, possibly?) that are up for sale at the moment here. This collection of cards is called The Makarevich Tarot. The lot also comprises of a cover sheet and Read more…
William Senior Woman with Tarot Cards Not done one of these for a while and this is an actual live auction piece, so if you fancy it, get bidding! This is up for auction in Edinburgh and is expected to make £300 – £500. Unfortunately, you can’t bid for it Read more…
Has your biro just burst in your handbag? What about splashing out on this as a replacement? This is a fountain pen from the pen people at Visconti. To mark the creation of Lo Scarabeo’s Visconti Sforza Tarot deck, they created four designs from the Visconti Tarot for very limited Read more…
We find ourselves in a kitchen where a young woman stretches out on a chair as the Tarot card reader explores her fortune. It’s funny, isn’t it? No matter how many centuries separate us, the pose for expansive day-dreaming remains unchanged! This particular illustration of Tarot in art is by Read more…