One Singer | One Song | Which Significator?
So, I’ve gone right back to the 1960s again – sorry!
Cannot believe that this is the first track on her first album! What an absolute BELTER!
So, imagine that the girl in this song is sitting in front of you looking for a Tarot reading – Court Card would you select to represent her and why? What method did you use?!
If you have any suggestions as to what you would like seen covered here on the blog, please drop me a line. I’ll be happy to help!
Have a wonderful weekend! No post on Monday, but Tuesday will see the publication of the Beltane Tarot Blog hop contribution. I hope that you enjoy it!
Inner Whispers · 27th April 2012 at 4:15 pm
Either the reversed Princess of Cups from the Maat Tarot (a willing bride) or the Knight of Cups reversed. She's totally refusing romance, so that energy is VERY blocked! Her mother is definitely Queen of Swords (nursing past hurts and counselling others on that basis), but I get the sense that, despite her claim that she'll sleep alone all her life, our sitter finds it all tempting, but scary.
alisoncross · 27th April 2012 at 6:01 pm
Yes! I am loooooving these associations! Thank you, Chloe! (((hug)))
Ali x
Mojo · 30th April 2012 at 7:19 pm
Hi Ali,
When I looked at her on the album(showing my age)cover, I straight away thought of the page of Cups RW, but I do believe she wants romance but her mother has put her off and she's singing of her mother's experiences not her own as she's not developed yet. But listening to the song about her father being a devil with chains 10 feet long, I think of the female on the Devil card but also the eve on the lovers card. I think she wants to be sexual but doesn't know how..
Mojo xx
alisoncross · 1st May 2012 at 3:51 pm
Like it! If it's blocked energy, then I can see that The Devil would be applicable, but if you're limited to the court cards which one might be closest to the Devil – perhaps in a reversed capacity?
Ali x
mojo · 1st May 2012 at 4:28 pm
Perhaps reversed King of Wands??
alisoncross · 1st May 2012 at 5:18 pm
Yep, I can see that 🙂
Vivianne · 27th April 2012 at 10:14 am
Sorry, cannot bear Joan Baez; nasal hippie pseudo-folk.
Next time, I'll say what I mean and not beat about the bush LOL
alisoncross · 27th April 2012 at 10:56 am
Very Queen of Swords!!
ali x