Hello again King of Coins!

Published by Alison Cross on

The moon has just hidden her light again and that’s the signal for me to pull another card for myself for the incoming energies from now until the full moon.

And this particular slice of  divine Tarot gorgeousness comes, once again, from Kat Black’s Touchstone Tarot (see earlier cards here and here.  It’s the King of Coins. Again.

This guy has been popping in and out of my life recently like a fiddler’s elbow!

This King regards us with a steady gaze as he sits at table – his plate of oysters and glass of wine await his attentions.  But look at the toppled pitcher, you wouldn’t expect THAT at the King’s table.

I wonder….what dining shenanigans we have just interrupted?!

Kat says that this is a man who is enjoying the success that his affluence has brought. He’s no penny-pinching miser of a king – he’s a man who enjoys his luxuries in life.  Unlike our current crop of bankers, this is a rich man who is TRUSTWORTHY.  Prone to giving to worthy causes, he’s kind and approachable.

The images that swirl together to make this composite King of Coins include Hans Holbein The Younger (for both face and body – from two different portraits).  And, most pleasingly to me, the feather in his hat is by Cecco de Caravaggio.

I’ve just read Caravaggio by Andrew Graham-Dixon and Cecco was the dimple-faced youth who featured in many of Caravaggio’s paintings, including my absolute favourite ‘Amor Vincit Omnia’.  They may or may not have been lovers – but I like to think that somewhere, just out of sight – perhaps right behind the artist – are a couple of the King’s companions – happily squiffy and up to goodness knows WHAT – maybe sticking a couple of irreverent fingers up as rabbit ears behind the viewer’s head?  In fact, IS that King looking right at us or is he looking at someone just off to the viewer’s left?

If only those companions had remembered to set the pitcher upright, we would have been none the wiser.

This King indicates that it’s ok for me to enjoy myself a little.  Cut myself some slack and splash out on a few things that give me pleasure.  Maybe go out for dinner with some friends and not limit myself to a couple of polite glasses of vino….rewind to the good old pre-baby days!

And maybe it’s time to bin-off the £9.99 skinny-leg jeans from The Factory Shop and splash out on something that isn’t worn through on the behind.  Although I blame this blog for wearing through the seat of my jeans.  And possibly facebook 😀

What does the King of Pentacles bring to YOUR life?

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Inner Whispers · 21st July 2012 at 5:38 am

Hi Ali, he just popped up for me, too 🙂 I think there's a message about weighing up whether I'm crossing the line between self-pampering and overindulgence…

    alisoncross · 24th July 2012 at 8:50 am

    Hey you, don't be so hard on yourself. Taking some time out from your Royal duties is an important part of ensuring that you continue with your Royal duties with a spring in your step. If you went into over-indulgence, he might appear reversed?

Tarot By Arwen · 19th July 2012 at 9:57 pm

I think he's telling you to spend and Lena to grab the animal carrier FIRST! Yikes!

    alisoncross · 20th July 2012 at 5:00 pm

    Well, now I feel like it's my DUTY to go on a bit of a splurge. Help the economy and all that, yanno…. 😀

    Ali x

Lena · 19th July 2012 at 8:15 pm

Love your take on the King of Coins! Btw, i must share with you – he's been stalking me too lolol! xxxx

    alisoncross · 19th July 2012 at 9:21 pm

    I think in your case, he's been carrying a fire extinguisher 😀

    Ali x

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