Autumn Equinox Spread
I opted out of the Tarot Blog Hop for the Autumn Equinox – not because I didn’t want to do it – but I am up to my armpits in Court Card exercises in the TABI Training (Group 1 – fabulous collection of students *high fives any who might be reading*) and I just didn’t have the time to devote that the Hop deserves.
But I wanted to join in in some way – so here’s my contribution:
I love the Autumn Equinox. I just love Autumn and the thought of settling down somewhere snuggly with my seed catalogues in one hand and a glass of red in the other…… I might have been a dormouse in a previous life, I think 🙂
Here’s a 3-card spread to do at this time of year. The Equinox is alllllll about balance – the days and nights are the same length, the ying and the yang, the in and the out, the ebb and the flow….. But we lack balance in our lives. Or maybe that’s just me. It could be that glass of red wine :-). This spread seeks to redress that balance.
First of all, get the 16 Court Cards mobilised into a single section. I used the Druid Craft Courts simply because I had them all close to hand.
And I used the Morgan Greer deck for the main body of the spread.
It’s very simple. Cards 1 and 2 are laid out as if at either end of a see-saw and Card 3 goes in the middle
Card 1: This is where I am unbalanced and SHORT/DEFICIENT
Card 2: This is where I am unbalanced and OVER-ENDOWED
Card 3: This Court brings me back into balance
In my reading, Card 1 was the 6 of Wands – Victory. Absolutely. I’m useless at celebrating or even acknowledging my own victories in life. Believe me, there’s a seething foam of Scottish Presbyterianism churning under the veneer of normality here 🙂
Card 2 was the 10 of Cups – It feels a bit odd to say that I am over-endowed with family! But what I feel the card alludes to is that I make sacrifices for my family and perhaps I’m hiding/denying too much of myself in order to maintain a happy family? Yes, I can see that too. There are lots of things I’d love to do, but I don’t do them because I feel that I’ve got to keep the status quo. Not keep Status Quo. Although I wouldn’t MIND keeping Status Quo. Upstairs under lock and key. *50 Shades of Denim face*
So who helps me bring all this back into balance? The King of Swords. In the Druidcraft he looks interested and thoughtful – able to think up a solution (Airy and Swordsy) and able to demonstrate it (Kingly and Fiery).
Somehow this guy is going to sort it all out for me and over the next few days, I’m going to meditate on the 3 cards of this spread, in pairs (6 Wands and King; King and 10 Cups) and see what solutions he offers me.
If you try the spread, I’d love to know how it works out for you!
Happy Equinox, dear reader!
Nancy Hendrickson · 25th September 2012 at 3:36 pm
Brilliant! Message received and to be pondered and then acted on 🙂
Nancy Hendrickson · 25th September 2012 at 2:12 pm
Wheel on the deficit, Emperor on the over-developed. Queen of Wands as the balance point. I *get* the Emperor. Wheel is a bit puzzling though.
alisoncross · 25th September 2012 at 2:45 pm
I wonder, Nancy, whether the element of 'luck' and stuff that just happens to Go Right feels in short supply? Maybe you feel that you're putting a lot of personal effort in to move up the Wheel?
Not saying that you're NOT successful, but only that maybe that you feel some lucky breaks have eluded you?
Ali x
Carla · 24th September 2012 at 8:44 pm
I have just had a go at this spread…with a new deck. 🙂 Your input is welcome! 🙂
Joanne · 24th September 2012 at 4:43 pm
I'll put this one to use. Excellent and wry writing, as always.
Perhaps take a little break from trying to be Hestia all the time, eh? I also find it gets easier to hang out with true Self when the child-rearing years are behind me. Crone status has certain advantages…:)
alisoncross · 25th September 2012 at 11:38 am
It's starting to look more attractive allllll the time, Joanne!
Ali x
Bonkers · 24th September 2012 at 4:00 pm
Great spread, will have to give it a try!
alisoncross · 25th September 2012 at 11:37 am
Inner Whispers · 24th September 2012 at 3:45 pm
Excellent spread, Ali! Will definitely have to give it a go… And hope you let us know what comes of your meditations 🙂
Inner Whispers · 24th September 2012 at 9:13 pm
Gave it a go, you can find the result here: 🙂
alisoncross · 25th September 2012 at 9:01 am
Have popped over and left my comment, Chloe.
Started doing a meditation on the Victory aspect of things last night. Had a dream, woke up in the middle of the night and thought 'oh YES, that REALLY could apply!!' fell asleep again and when I woke up this morning, had not a clue what I had dreamed about!!!
Ali x