2013 | Getting Ready!

Published by Alison Cross on

The Dream Enchantress Tarot
Lo Scarabeo

Next year is 2013.  It’s less than 30 days away!! I *know*.  WHERE did 2012 go?!

If you add up the digits in 2013, you can see that it’s a six year – the Lovers.  Which means, to me, that we’re all deciding what we REALLY want next year.

Oh sure, we can have nice shoes and buy as many handbags and bottles of perfume as the bank manager will allow, but really, that hollow feeling inside you won’t be filled by a new lipstick.  Or even a packet of Kitkats.

Looks like next year is going to be about making better decisions to help us fill that void and raise our spritual consciousness.  Man.  *waves hands about like a drug-addled hippy.  Or Keith Richards.  It’s sort of the same thing*

But what of your personal odyssey in 2013?

Take your birth day and month and add to 2013 to find your own personal slant on the year.

For example:  I’m 13 August….so this equates to 13+8+2013 = 2034 = 9.

The Hermit.

Again!   I think that the Universe is metaphorically whacking me over the back of the head!

What’s your personal 2013 card?

And how does your own 2013 card look once you filter it through the lens of The Lovers, the card for 2013?

For me, it would seem that in order to progress my own spiritual path, I will be lighting the way for others (and, as a result of that, myself too).

It’s that or I’m buying a big Hermit-like cloak and totally working the  Margaret Lockwood ‘Wicked Lady’ look.  I already haz the hat πŸ˜€

But of course, THIS blog is all about the court cards, so let’s add a little Court Card magic to the exercise!

I’ve already established that I’ll be working The Hermit through The Lovers next year.

So, what I need to know now is: Which Court card will assist me with this endeavour and which court card will hinder me?

Here’s the card who’s not proving useful – the Page of Wands.

Here’s the card who IS going to be useful – The Page of Swords
Significant that they are both Pages, don’t you think? It seems that the mind of a beginner will be useful, but not the actions of one!
So, tell me (I’m being nosy, in true Page of Swords style!) what comes up for you in this exercise?

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.Β  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Anonymous · 13th December 2012 at 4:06 am

As an addendum, today, 12/12/12, I took out my Shadowscapes deck to do a year-ahead reading, 12 cards in a 4 x 3 pattern. First one was…the Lovers! Ta-dah!

Alison · 10th December 2012 at 7:08 pm

What a great idea!

It's Strength for me this year (using a deck that has Strength as card 8). After a year of the Chariot, which has not been easy, I'm ready to draw on some strength to help me make some choices (connection to the Lovers). Using the Wildwood (feeling too overwhelmed for Haindl today!), the Knight of Stones will help me, while the Page of Bows won't. After I cogitate on that awhile, I'll write it up on my blog….

    alisoncross · 12th December 2012 at 12:38 pm

    Come back and give us the link, so that other people can click through and read your blog post on it, Alison πŸ™‚

Inner Whispers · 10th December 2012 at 3:53 pm

Another excellent idea of how to use the Court cards, Ali. I've written it up on m'blog, which should go up in a couple of minutes. I couldn't post a 15:49, so close to 4pm, might as well just wait, right! Okay, which Court card represents being a bit too finickety and anal? King of Swords, probably… πŸ˜‰

    alisoncross · 10th December 2012 at 6:44 pm

    Nipped over to yours and left comment but I think I'm a wee bit mixed up – are you Hermit or Shaman/Hierophant?

    Inner Whispers · 10th December 2012 at 6:53 pm

    Hi Ali, I'm the Hierophant next year, it's just that deck that's weird πŸ˜‰

Sharon · 9th December 2012 at 12:03 am

Wow! What a great post Alison! I was in need of a kick up the behind and this exercise has certainly done that πŸ™‚ It's all action stations for me next year with Christmas being the calm before the storm lol.

As much as it's flown by I'm happy 2012 is on it's way out because this was a Hanged Man year for me. While I appreciate the time and resources I had to recover and explore my spirituality, I'm really looking forward to getting things moving again in the external world.

It's the Death card for me next year Combined with the Lovers this suggests big changes and important choices to be made where change is concerned. It's a good year for me to conclude unfinished business so I'll be free to follow my heart later on. These cards also suggest I be brave enough to ride the waves of change even if I don't know where I might end up

The court card assisting me is the Queen of Wands from the Shadowscapes Tarot. The Queen plays a beautiful harp that appears to grow from the branches of a great tree. She expresses herself and is completely focused on her desire to express herself. She's surrounded by creatures of the forest, and small green jewels blossom from the branches while she plays her music.

Optimism, confidence, and the determination to walk my own path is the way to go. The Queen of Wands is telling me I can handle the changes ahead, and that I have all the qualities I need to move forward.

This Queen can also be a bit of a show-off… she's creative, cares about her appearance and looks for excitement. I can totally relate to this because my illness held me down for such a long time. The tedium of being unable to participate in life plus what may well be some sort of mid-life crisis is a dangerous cocktail πŸ˜› I've already started an exercise programme and to say I'm gagging for a bit of life in my life is an understatement.

The court card that hinders is the Page of Cups. The Page sits on a large rock beneath the water and is completely absorbed by the cup in her hands.

This isn't a good time for reflection, sentimentality, or day dreaming. I need to really commit to making my dreams a reality and the energy of the Queen of Wands can help me do this.

Fantastic! πŸ™‚

    Inner Whispers · 10th December 2012 at 3:54 pm

    Love that energy, Sharon! πŸ™‚

    alisoncross · 10th December 2012 at 6:41 pm

    Death! What a marvellous challenge this will pose for you! Cutting out all the stuff that no longer serves your higher good! I am very fond of The Queen of Wands- so get your shoulder to the wheel for next year!

Caroline Blackler · 8th December 2012 at 3:25 pm

Thank you for a wonderful post and end of year task πŸ™‚

So, following your example, I got out my Dream Enchantress Deck, and got a very apt reading…

I will be the Chariot next year. I was hoping for the Hermit, but I guess it is time for me to actually get on with things, and to stop thinking and focusing on my inner development. As always, my main focus is the book I am trying to write. I do love the book, the characters and the plot. It is very much a part of who I am, and it is time to drive myself and the writing forward, and hopefully get to a stage (destination) where I feel it is finished.

I will be helped by the Queen of Wands. In this deck, she is relaxed, sitting in a tree, and open/approachable. The time has come to have faith in my abilities, and let the world see me.

I won't be helped by the King of Swords. In this deck, the king wears a metal mask. I feel this warns about my age old habit of censoring myself, being careful with what information I share, believing things have to be just right before I put them forward. This card, combined with the Queen of Wands is clearly telling me to stop thinking, censoring, perfecting, and get on with the physical act of churning out completed text: as long as I have faith in myself and remain connected to nature, I will succeed in driving my chariot towards its goal πŸ˜€

Thank you for inspiring me to do this reading, I am now going to get on with writing πŸ˜€

    alisoncross · 8th December 2012 at 4:42 pm

    Caroline – this is BRILLIANT!!! So glad to hear that you are cracking on with the book and I shall keep reminding you of the Queen of Wands throughout the year!

    Ali x

Carla · 8th December 2012 at 10:24 am

2012 was my personal Lovers year. 2013 will be Chariot for me! 2013+27+01=2041=7! Lovers is also my Life or Personality card, so I guess 2012 has been a pivotal year for me, and 2013 will be when I charge on, empowered by whatever it is I've learned this year. I believe I'll try out your reading on my own blog… πŸ™‚

    alisoncross · 8th December 2012 at 1:58 pm

    Please do – I'll take a wander over and read your result! Try it with the court card add-ons?

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