30 Day Tarot Challenge

Published by Alison Cross on

Beginner’s Tarot Mind!

I found this over on Tumblr at the end of last week and thought that it might be fun to do.  However, I won’t be making blog posts about myself on a daily basis, but will take 30 days in total to do the challenge.

The challenge originated here:


So the first question is:

Q1:  What got you introduced/involved in Tarot

Like lots of people, I had a dabble with the tarot when I was much younger.  I bought a Marseille Tarot deck from a lovely bookshop in Glasgow (John Smith & Sons) which sadly went defunct with the arrival of Borders and Waterstones in the city.

I couldn’t read them without referring to the LWB!  It was a lot of fun, but I didn’t really gel with the images on the cards – but there was simply no choice around at the time.

Everything was going swimmingly with my readings until I did one that indicated The Empress (ie my mother) was going to be the Incoming Influences and in the likely outcome Temperance Rx indicated that I might be unwell.  Well, who wants to be ill? I put the cards away and forgot about it.

Within weeks, my appendix burst spectacularly and I was rushed into hospital.  On discharge from hospital, I was looked after by my mother.

I know.


I was ill for 10 weeks after the operation – a swab had been left inside me.  I thought I’d never feel well again.

So the cards were put away in a bag in a drawer and never looked at again until….

I watched a TV programme with Jane Ross and Michelle Knight.  Michelle was teaching Jane to read Tarot cards and I just fell in love.

Tefcat on the Children of Artemis website recommended that I join TABI to learn how to read properly.

I joined.

And TABI went on to form a core part of my Tarot development 🙂

Now – YOU have a go!

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Vivianne · 12th December 2012 at 10:58 am

How long ago was that ? 🙂

    alisoncross · 12th December 2012 at 12:09 pm

    How long ago was it that I joined TABI? I think it might have been around 2003 or thereabouts.

alisoncross · 10th December 2012 at 3:30 pm

I'm not doing it every day, probably one post per week and will complete it over 30 days – but not 30 consecutive days, Joanna 🙂

Joanna Ash · 10th December 2012 at 3:23 pm

Oooohhhhh…..I want to be part of this. I feel I am so late joining this and lots of you would be on to Day 3,4,5 before I can finish day 1:(

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