30 Day Tarot Challenge | Day 3

Published by Alison Cross on

Question 3 in the Tarot Challenge:

Do you have more than one deck that you use, and, if so, do you have a favorite? If not, why do you like the deck you have chosen?

I think that most Tarotists develop the compulsion to add to their deck collections!  Sometimes it is just the amazing art that attracts you to a deck, sometimes it’s a system or mythology that you love to work with.  Sometimes it’s just the thrill of the new.  Yes, I am a Tarotholic.  I am only about 4 days ‘clean’ and not anticipating to run to many more.  I love, love, new decks!

I do have a favourite.  Actually, a couple of favourites.

My comfy-slippers deck is the Rider Waite Smith – either the Original or the Centenary Edition.  Yes, they’re pretty much identical, but the Queen of Swords looks a lot less po-faced in the Centenary Edition, I think!

I have loved the DruidCraft Tarot since I first laid eyes on it and I can honestly say that I use it every single day.  I love the ethos behind it.  I love the art of Will Worthington beyond words.  

I am his biggest fan.  *said in same tone of voice as Kathy Bates in Stephen King’s Misery* 😀

I’ve used The Druidcraft in lots of posts on this blog – too numerous to list!

My newest love is Alexander Daniloff’s Tarot which I love TO DEATH.  It’s one of those decks that just sings out to me – the colour, the style of the artwork, the humorous touches.  Right up my Tarot street! I’ve already written about his Court Cards – you can check them out here

I’m also a teeny bit in love with the Lenormand Revolution Oracle by Roz Foster and Carrie Paris.  Again, I am absolutely loving Roz Foster’s artwork across the cards.  The overall effect is a consistent, clean and damned attractive deck.  Now all I need to do is learn how to read with it!

A good Tarot deck is, for me, something that has plenty of symbolism in it to get the ol’ juices flowing as far as intuition goes.  

I’m increasingly drawn to old decks – perhaps I’m searching for interpretations, lost over the years and hundreds of decks that have now been published.

So – why don’t you tell me what YOUR favourite Tarot deck is – give me a link to it.  Help me feed my addiction 😀

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Creole Moon Tarot · 26th January 2013 at 7:12 am

Oddly enough, I've not liked the RWS even in the slightest lol. My top 5 would be: Hanson Roberts, my beloved Tarot of the Vampyers, the Universal Goddess, the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight, and the Ancestral Path. I don't have many oracle decks, but I love the Secret Language of Colour. And you ladies are going to make me cave and become a Lenormond girl very soon I think lol!

Creole Moon Tarot · 26th January 2013 at 7:11 am

Oddly enough, I've not liked the RWS even in the slightest lol. My top 5 would be: Hanson Roberts, my beloved Tarot of the Vampyers, the Universal Goddess, the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight, and the Ancestral Path. I don't have many oracle decks, but I love the Secret Language of Colour. And you ladies are going to make me cave and become a Lenormond girl very soon I think lol!

    Inner Whispers · 26th January 2013 at 10:22 am

    Lol, Enablers R Us 😉

    alisoncross · 27th January 2013 at 4:19 pm

    It's a 'spensive addiction, for sure 😀

    Secret Language of Colour is something that I'll have to check out. Wonder if it might partner up well with my Dreaming in Color deck (Mindy Somers)

    *hides her credit card*

    Ali x

Alison · 24th January 2013 at 12:20 pm

Thoth and Wildwood are the two I use most – so I guess that makes them my favourites!

    alisoncross · 24th January 2013 at 10:56 pm

    Every year I promise myself to get on top of The Thoth, Alison!

    Ali x

Ania · 24th January 2013 at 8:18 am

RWS goes without saying but largely on the "comfy slipper" principle. I love the Transparent for the insight that layering cards gives to their relationship. Similarly, New Vision is great for a different viewpoint. Other than these, most of my decks are "Ooh, pretty" then stick it on the shelf collectibles :/

    alisoncross · 24th January 2013 at 10:55 pm

    Be honest – how many do you have in the 'ooh pretty' category, Ania?

    Ania · 25th January 2013 at 11:07 am

    Umm, about 95 :/

Joanne · 24th January 2013 at 3:32 am

My favorites are Robin Wood, Druidcraft, Anna K, and Pearls of Wisdom. There are plenty more that I love but these are my absolute keepers.

    alisoncross · 24th January 2013 at 10:54 pm

    Not got the AnnaK! Yet! I like your favourites list, Joanne.

    Ali x

Bonkers · 23rd January 2013 at 10:59 pm

Nusantara is most definitely my favorite, but enabling others on it right now would be evil since it's pretty much impossible to get ahold of these days…

after that, Thoth comes as a very close second

rest of top 5 would be Legacy of the Divine, Silicon Dawn and Tarot de la Rea

    alisoncross · 24th January 2013 at 10:52 pm

    I luff being enabled 😀

    I have the Legacy, had to pass on the Silicon Dawn (ran out of cash!). Shall check out the Tarot de la Rea, Bonkers – thanks!

    Ali x

Carla · 23rd January 2013 at 6:26 pm

How about my top 5 in no particular order? Rider Waite Smith (actually, I'm most fond of my Giant RWS, but I also quite like the PCS), Morgan Greer, Druidcraft, Tarot of the Sidhe, Haindl. 🙂

Now as for Lennies, I like Titania's Fortune Cards best. They're odd but I like 'em.

    alisoncross · 23rd January 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Nice selection there, Carla! I must take a look at the Titiana's Fortune Cards – I like odd too 😀

    Ali x

    alisoncross · 23rd January 2013 at 10:45 pm

    It is unusual – and nice! I like the colours and simplicity, Carla.

    Anonymous · 24th January 2013 at 9:12 pm

    Love Titania's Fortune Cards – my first Lenormand and didn't even realise that it was a Lenormand until a friend pointed this out to me recently! AntoniaJH (published as Anonymous as can't work out how to do anything else!)

    alisoncross · 24th January 2013 at 10:50 pm

    Anna – I think you can sign in with a google account, if you've got one! 🙂

Inner Whispers · 23rd January 2013 at 4:53 pm

The DruidCraft is definitely still in my top 5 decks EVER! As for others, aack, too many to mention. The Tarot of the Sidhe is on my top 5 ever list, too, and has been for a while. Others come and go…

    alisoncross · 23rd January 2013 at 6:26 pm

    I don't have the Tarot of the Sidhe – what makes it special?

    Ali x

    Inner Whispers · 23rd January 2013 at 7:23 pm

    The artwork is really vibrant, and it's also pagan-themed. The images are primal, yet playful, and there's plenty of symbolism to get your teeth into…

    alisoncross · 23rd January 2013 at 10:46 pm

    I'm not the biggest fan of primal art, but I rate you opinion, so am now off to explore it! 🙂

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