Feeling like….The Knight of Wands…wayhay!
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Count Lilac – Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty |
It has been half term here – now over, thank goodness!
School holidays are not my favourite time because I still have the same amount of work to do, but only now with a small boy hanging over my shoulder telling me how bored he is.
I sometimes wish that I’d had more than one child – even if they didn’t play together well, they could have at least entertained themselves by fighting like cat and dog.
Last week I did something that was entirely Knight of Wands….
….I was sitting at the computer, still fuzzy-headed and bejammied, nursing my morning cup of tea, idly speculating on something that I could do that day with Sonshine that would keep him entertained but that wouldn’t leave me stupified. My gaze alighted on an advertisement for Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty ballet.
I’m a big fan of Bourne’s Swan Lake (if you haven’t seen it – get yourself a DVD pronto! An all male corps de ballet was a BRILLIANT idea).
That very afternoon, within travelling distance of me on the island, there was a matinee performance.
Would my 12 year-old son be interested in a ballet? Did I really care?!
I looked at the price of the tickets – fairly ‘spensive. Hmmm – it would be wonderful…..
I threw caution to the wind and I booked two tickets AND a hotel for us. And then realised that in order to make the performance, we would need to be on the NEXT FERRY!!!
Reader, with less than an hour in hand, Sonshine was summoned from his position in front of the telly (I know, I’m a bad mother!) and we both hastily showered, changed and packed a bag. And found ourselves, somewhat breathless, on the 11am ferry!
Sonshine sat gazing around him, blinking in disbelief. ‘We did it!’
Totally spontaneous behaviour! I secretly crow and congratulate myself on being the Knight of Wands – impulse, acting on desires, not considering the consequences of my actions too deeply…. ah yes, the work would just have to wait until the following day.
Ah and there’s the other thing! I then had to tell my 12 year-old Warhammer-obsessed son that we were off to the BALLET. Which he accepted with much better grace than I imagined. I think that he must have been working his inner Page of Pentacles – embracing a new experience!
Review: Get yourself some tickets to see this ballet – even if it’s just for the puppet! Sonshine was (on the whole) mesmerised (having a £1 pair of opera glasses helped!) and the fairies carry the perfect amount of gothic malice that I like to see. Excellent – go and see it!
Inner Whispers · 26th February 2013 at 6:41 pm
Love it! What an excellent example of the Knight of Wands, and maybe the Queen of Wands in your enjoyment of the sensual delights of the ballet itself. Plus a bit of King of Pents thrown in to actually get you guys organised enough to go, clean and packed, and with a hotel booked 😉
Tarot By Arwen · 20th February 2013 at 10:33 pm
I enjoyed this. Very nice to see the Knight of Wands in action! ":D
Alison · 20th February 2013 at 11:48 am
Very Knight of Wands – I'll remember that story next time that card turns up, thank you!
(Have you ever seen Matthew Bourne's 'Play Without Words'? My favourite, I think…)
Alison Cross · 20th February 2013 at 12:56 pm
I haven't seen that, Alison, but I shall keep a look out for it now that I have your recommendation that it's a good 'un. I love his work – so witty and fresh 😀
Carla · 20th February 2013 at 9:13 am
Well, that's an amazing story! And it just so happens, I have drawn Knight of Wands for tomorrow and wrote a post (in advance ha ha ha) about spontaneity. Wow, I wonder what spontaneous thing I'll be doing. I'm work, so most likely it won't involve catching a ferry to a ballet. 😀
Alison Cross · 20th February 2013 at 12:55 pm
writing a post about spontaneity IN ADVANCE *rofl* looooove it! I think that you just have to seize some vague opportunity for something and do your damnedest to make it real! So if you have pondered, idly, about going to a particular gig – the Knight of Wands will have you clicking through for tickets before you know it!
Ali x