Beltane Spread 2014

Published by Alison Cross on

The Beltane cards from The Wildwood TarotClick on link to visit their Beltane post on facebook
but don’t go yet! Stay and read m’spread!

Beltane is one of the ancient festivals that has managed to hang on in modern consciousness via a variety of little traditions – In Scotland, for example,  girls will have been nipping outside to wash their faces in the morning dew.  I did that this morning, but it was mainly rain, I think!

This is a big Fire Festival and also associated with The Great Rite – fire and creation – fabulous combination!!

So I dreamed up a little spread that you might find useful:

The Beltane Spread

First of all, split your deck into the three Arcana:  Majors, Minors, Courts.

Card 1: (drawn from the Major Arcana) – Where am I burning to create?

Card 2:  (drawn from the Court Arcana) – Whose energies will help me make this creation possible?

Card 3: (drawn from the Minor Arcana) – How I make it happen?

Here are my cards, to help you along!

The Moon – Princess of Wands – 4 Pentacles
Card 1:  Where am I burning to create? 
The Moon here tells me that I burn to create something very imaginative, something that makes people think of familiar things in a new light.  But which ideas have got legs and which are destined to remain in my imagination?!
Card 2:  Who helps me?
The Princess of Wands offers me her mindset:  Worry less and just bloody well get started on something – make a beginning, make an ACTIVE and PASSIONATE beginning and offer up a light in the darkness.
Card 3:  How do I make it happen?
The 4 of Pentacles – golly, what a tricky card to receive in this position!  I associate the 4 of Pentacles with focussing (wrongly) on money, but in the image on the Norse, we see someone who is making all necessary preparations for a journey – directing the hoisting the sail.   But the cargo is still on the pier!  I think that this card is warning me against placing my focus on ‘getting organised to go’.  Procrastination is my deadly enemy!  I will be drawn to making sure that I have EVERYTHING I need to get going…. and not actually GO 😀
How does this spread work for you today?  I’d love to hear your own cards and input into my own reading too!

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....

1 Comment

Inner Whispers · 17th May 2014 at 1:03 pm

Yay! Definitely go for it. If you have to stop and pick up extra supplies along the way, that's fine, just raise your anchor and go 😀 Excellent spread, Ali!

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