Prince George | Queen of Cups | King of Wands
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You would need to be living beneath a rock not to realise that the Magnificently Coiffured Duchess of Cambridge and the slightly less magnificently styled Duke of Cambridge have had a BABY!!!! Yes, I know Prince George was born last July, but hey, I like to be UNPREDICTABLE and fashionably late to parties.
Of course, I’m very pleased that the Little Prince is here, healthy and breaking hearts all over the world – he did an outstanding job in Australia – but I’m more interested in him from a purely Tarot Court Card point of view.
Tragic and worryingly obsessive, I know.
Prince George Alexander Louis was born on 22 July 2013. He’ll be celebrating his first birthday next week!
He teeters on the energetic high-wire that is the cusp of Cancer and Leo. Personally, I would have ‘gassed’ and ‘aired’ with my legs crossed until he could be born on the 23rd of July because all the best people are Leos *nods sagely and looks forward to her own Leo birthday in August. No pressure for presents. Much.*
To be born on the cusp like this this makes our new Prince a Queen of Cups (Cancer) with powerful King of Wands (Leo) undertones.
When people are born right on a cusp, I usually take this to mean that they will have the positive traits of the outgoing sign and the, erm, less attractive parts of the incoming sign. Some people work it the other way around – take your pick and be consistent!
For baby Boy George, this means he’ll have the positive traits of The Queen and the negative traits of The King contributing to his personality.
The Queen of Cups is an emotional character whose focus is very much on relationships. Strongly empathetic, I think that Prince George will share many of the qualities that his late grandmother (Can you believe it!? Princess Diana as a grandmother?!) was best known for.
There could not be a greater contrast, energetically, than the King of Wands.
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The Lizard King – crazy, sexy, beast! |
Prince George is going to be pretty much un-ignorable! With a larger than life personality that you can see blazing for miles and a powerful attractiveness that god far beyond looks – he’ll be a Rock Star King for the new Millennium! Given that these Wandsy features are supposed to be his less than positive characteristics, this vital and passionate nature might materialise as pleasure-seeking, playboy behaviour. Remember his Uncle Harry and that Nazi uniform gaffe? *shudders* Remember his grandpa in his trunks on Bondi Beach back in the day? *shudders again* Akshully, just checked out a picture of Prince Charles in his shorts on Bondi and he was, honestly, a bit buff. Even if he doesn’t know what that means.
Annnyway, back to The Little Prince…..
The Queen of Cups is hugely creative and George will inspire people with his brilliant people skills and enthusiasm for the Arts. Oh yeah, he’s going to be a cultured dude!
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Prince George’s Minions. I could not resist it because, yanno….MINIONS!!! |
We can only keep our fingers crossed that, despite his privileged position, his parents manage to bring him up in a normal family environment that will keep him Down With Da People and those marvellous Queen of Cups will be a positive asset! His father, Prince William, was a sensitive child: Once, when he found his mother crying bitterly in a locked bathroom, he reportedly pushed paper hankies under the door for her. THAT is the action of a kind heart.
As a leader, I hope that George turns out to be someone who leads his minions from within (Queenly), rather than storming away out in front on his own (Kingly) without a care or thought for anyone else. Thoughtless behaviour or heartlessness are a couple of flaws that can be levelled at this little Prince if his King of Wands energies overwhelms his Queen of Cups.
The Queen of Cups brings a significantly emotional dimension to George’s life. Hopefully this will seen as an asset and not a weakness or liability. This is, after all, the Royal Family where nothing is stiffer than their upper lips.
I think that although he might be quick to anger and easily made laugh (Wands), he’ll cry and forgive easily too (Cups) . He’ll have a strong sense of duty (Wands and House of Windsor!) but hopefully have some of his late grand-mother’s empathy and sensitivity.
George may turn out to be a sensitive young man completely in tune with people’s needs and able to relate to the man on he Clapham Omnibus as readily as he does to the Infantas of Spain.
Now, whether or not this little bundle of cuteness turns out to be any sort of a King at all is all in the lap of the Gods – and possibly Mr Putin. Whatever his future holds, I hope that he is a happy child; loved and loving. Because that’s what matters 🙂
You ever use your Tarot Court Cards to speculate about Little People and the personalities they might develop?
Happy birthday, Prince George, you wee cutie!
Ania · 16th July 2014 at 6:22 am
Without recourse to cards at all, I confidently predict that he will study History of Art at Uni. It's hard not to be cultured when surrounded by some of the finest art from the last few centuries and his family are not exactly academically gifted so he won't be a rocket scientist (probably because he'll be a king instead)
Alison Cross · 16th July 2014 at 8:10 am
I studied History of Fine Art at University for a bit. I loved it to bits 😀
He might also have to do some kind of military service because that's what the Windsor's do. Unless you're Edward and you bail 😀
Ania · 22nd July 2014 at 7:56 pm
Youngest sons are allowed to do as they please, it's the heir and, to a lesser extent, the spare that have all the pressure.
Inner Whispers · 15th July 2014 at 3:08 pm
Have to admit, I never thought of using the Tarot Courts like this, but with my own rather less illustrious wee one in the house… 🙂
Alison Cross · 15th July 2014 at 5:52 pm
Do it for everyone – your DH and your DSs!
Joanne Sprott · 15th July 2014 at 2:49 pm
That was totally cool. I like the use of the astrology thing to elucidate the appropriate court cards. His genes should also make this a likely outcome, I think. A bit of William, a bit of Harry at the same time. Since he's eldest, the parents and whatnot will likely reign in his K of W. With this family, it seems most of the acting out in public comes from younger siblings (Margaret, Andrew and Edward, Harry) because they can get away with it. Although Charles has had his moments. 😉
Alison Cross · 15th July 2014 at 5:51 pm
I have a couple astrology posts in the pipeline for this blog, Joanne. I look forward to reading your comments on them too! And let's not forget the bits of the Middletons that will, hopefully, keep him a 'normal' everyday sort of Prince 😀