Full Moon in Aries | Queen of Wands | October 2014
In October the silver light of the full moon falls on Aries, or as we know her Royal Highness here at Tarot Thrones, the Queen of Wands.
Since this is also a lunar eclipse, that silver light will turn a dark and earthy red as the shadow from our own little rock falls across the face of the moon.
Technically, the moon is full at a whisper off midday on the 8th of October, so celebrate it when you can! If you live in Western North America, you lucky things get to see the full lunar eclipse Here in the UK, we’ll see nothing! PAH!
Not only will this be a lunar eclipse, it will also be a SELENELION. Which is NOTHING to do with sealions and everything to do with fancy-pants atmospheric conditions.
Anyhoo, to mark the lunar eclipse and the marvellousness of the Selenelion we witness the appearance of the Queen of Wands energy in our inner lives. Here’s the Enchantress of Wands from the Tarot of Delphi, resplendent in her diaphanous red robe. I think it may be time to send a Page down to the boiler room to instruct the ceremonial turning on of the central heating here at Thrones or she’s going to catch pneumonia…..
So what is the Queen of Wands saying to us this Full Moon?
The combination of Water (Queenly energy) and Fire (Wands energy) gives the Queen of Wands a tricky balancing act to cope with: On one hand, the passion, fire and action that her Wands behaviour requires must not be drowned into ineffectuality and paralysis by her emotional nature. On the other, she must make sure that her loving and caring watery side is not steam-rollered over by her enthusiastically assertive (and some might say aggressive) traits either.
How does she do this?
The Enchantress tells us that this is a fantastic time for getting active and fired-up about something that makes you feel quite emotional. It’s time to take a stand!
This might take the form of:
volunteering to help at a local charity shop
running a 10k in memory of someone that you love
signing on-line petitions against animal cruelty
March against social injustice
Today is a good day to let your playful, sexy side have a bit more free reign – you can catch many more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar ;-D And The Queen of Wands is an utterly irresistible charmer when she puts her mind to it!
Considering the glyph for Aries, it maybe time to pluck those eyebrows?! Unbutton one more blouse button? Sit with your knees apart and raise some, erm, eyebrows!
Anna O. · 18th August 2015 at 3:38 am
I have always seen Queen of Wands as Aries, and King of Wands as Leo. The Queen of Wands is the purest form of fire (which is Aries) – spontaneous, passionate and energetic. The King of Wands has more of a royal nature, he is determined, strong, and stable.
Ania · 8th October 2014 at 6:38 am
I don't kno much about astrology ( though rather more about astronomy) but it's the king of wands that epitomises Aries energy for me. Or maybe I'm just mixing up my astrology with my mythology π
Alison Cross · 8th October 2014 at 7:44 am
Yep – I was just saying that to Shelby above. Ultimately, I don't think that it really matters because it's a system that has been pegged on to the cards and different people have different associations π
Vivianne · 8th October 2014 at 6:03 am
Shelby · 7th October 2014 at 11:29 pm
Hands down – the Queen of Wands is my card and represents Aries (wands), Leo rising (the little black cat) with moon in Scorpio (queen) π – but oh yes, I love your glyph interpretation! My eyebrows do indeed need a little help right now.
Alison Cross · 8th October 2014 at 7:42 am
Me too, but I still think that it's odd to have the Queen of Wands in the RWS with lion throne and King of Wands with rams' heads. But the truth is, the astrological associations are all a bit arbitrary and different people make their associations in different ways. I think as long as you apply the system consistently, it doesn't matter. Just go with what works for you, is what I say π