Full Moon | Taurus

Published by Alison Cross on

As we creep towards Yule, the nights here in Scotland are definitely chillier. I’ve unearthed my bed socks for another season and the central heating has been turned on*.  For us at Tarot Thrones, November heralds the full moon in Taurus.

In Tarot, Taurus is represented by the King of Pentacles, so for 6 November, here’s how he will be influencing us all!

In the Druidcraft Tarot, we see an older man who sits in his great hall in front of a roaring fire upon which a boar is roasting. I love how the carved points of the pentacle behind him look like horns!  Perched in the window is a little red-breasted robin.  The sky is darkening.  As the Stark family in that OTHER Game of Thrones might say… ‘Winter is coming!’

Pentacles is the suit governed by the element of Earth and this, coupled with his Fiery Kingly energy tells us that the Full Moon in Taurus is a very productive time (think of how fire and elements from the earth come together to make pottery, ceramics, glass etc).

This is a very sensuous character – he’s all about the experiencing (Pentacles/Earth) through the doing (Fire).

He is very much at home with the finer things in life (just look at his fine robes and surroundings!) and while we may not all have the wealth that the King of Pentacles clearly enjoys, we can make the most of all the wonderful things that we DO have in our lives. Yeah, this is where I get all mushy and point out that even the dog lying snoring gently by your desk brings wealth of a sort to your life.

Maybe not his in-sleep farting though.

The King of Pentacles enjoys great wealth, but he is no risk-taking gambler.  His approach is steady and responsible and if you are in business, his influence shows sustainable progress.

This full moon, he tells us:

Be productive!
Slow and steady wins the race!
Enjoy life!
Be generous!

* How do you turn on your central heating system? Simple. You just say ‘hey baby, you are the sexiest heating system that I’ve ever seen.’  Old jokes.  Golden 😀

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Inner Whispers · 11th November 2014 at 10:45 am

Yay for sustainable progress! 🙂 I love how nice and toasty he looks – the big fire and those lovely fabrics – and then he has barefeet 😉 So, he keeps it real, even when surrounded by abundance!

Ellen · 6th November 2014 at 11:42 am

Sometimes a dog fart makes me smile and that's something too 🙂
Lovely description of this kind and generous king. He has a bit of a Santa Claus vibe: sharing his riches and kindness and being a great entrepreneur too. I mean he does manages all the elves in his toy factory!

    Alison Cross · 6th November 2014 at 1:51 pm

    Dog farts can make you smile. Until you need to breathe the actual fug itself *speaks from experience here* 😀 He is quite Santa Clausy, isn't he? But perhaps with a better business head than Santa – can't imagine him making toys to just GIVE AWAY 😀

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