King of Pentacles | Google’s mobile friendly algorithm change
I’ve heard from a couple of colleagues now that Google is changing their algorithm to weight in favour of mobile friendly sites. That clearly also affects Tarot sites, so, with both my web-design hat and my Tarot hats perched precariously on my head, I am impersonating the King of Pentacles.
Here are a couple of things you might want to take a look at before you pay your webmaster any more money:
First, run all urls for your website through google’s own mobile-friendly checker:
If computer says ‘yes’ then you are good to go!
If your site is hosted on blogger or wordpress, it is easy to get a mobile version. I’m on Blogger and all you have to do is go to ‘template’ and there you will find an option to create a mobile-friendly version. If you’ve customised your blogger site a bit, then pick ‘customise’ version and you will at least get your header.
If computer says ‘no’ then there are some components that your site is failing on.
Check out this guide:
Google is NOT stopping listing non-mobile-friendly sites, but those who ARE mobile-friendly will score higher on their algorithm.
require([“mojo/signup-forms/Loader”], function(L) { L.start({“baseUrl”:””,”uuid”:”a1532eabd65d034238367b6cc”,”lid”:”d3826d02b7″}) })
Normal Tarot service will be resumed directly 🙂
1 Comment
Bonnie Cehovet · 26th March 2015 at 4:34 am
Hmmm My personal site is not mobile friendly (I could have guessed that!), so some work needs to be done there. Many thanks for the tip on Blogger – my blog there IS now mobile friendly!