A Year In The Wildwood | E-book

Published by Alison Cross on

On Saturday my new (well, let’s be honest – my ONLY) e-book will be published on Amazon.

If you are familiar with the Wildwood Tarot’s facebook page, you will know that for the past couple of years, I’ve been an Admin there and exploring each of the cards as they arise on The Wheel of The Year

A few people asked me where they could buy all the entries, and so I have now obliged by gathering them together into this little e-book.

Cover image: The Pole Star
permission kindly given by Will Worthington

The book is currently available to pre-order and I hope that if you enjoy working with The Wildwood, you will consider adding it to your library.

Version: text only

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


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