Wizard’s Tarot | Rumi Quotes

Published by Alison Cross on

So, over on Facebook I try to do Interesting Things with court cards that help fellow readers become more confident with their court card work.

My most recent week was spent in the company of The Wizards’ Tarot (Llewellyn) by Corrine Kenner which is a really pretty deck.  In fact, I must do a review of its courts for you one day soon.
Anyhoo, I decided to pair up court cards with cards from the rest of the deck and match them up with some lovely quotes by Rumi.  The exercise for all of the cards is ‘Card A helps with Card B’:

Here we have the King of Wands paired with the 8 of Cups:

‘Set yourself on fire and seek those who fan your flames’ – Rumi
The Lovers paired with the Queen of Cups
‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray’.     Rumi

8 of Pentacles paired with Queen of Pentacles

‘Everyone has been made for some particular work (8 Pents), and the desire for that work has been put in every heart (Queen Pents).” – Rumi (well, not the bits in brackets!)

7 of Cups paired with Knight of Pentacles
There are many ways (7 Cups) to kneel and kiss the earth (Knight of Pentacles), just pick one of them and make a start! – Mostly Rumi <3

If you like this kind of thing, I would love it if you could like @tarot.thrones over on the book of the face.

If you’ve not encountered Rumi or The Wizards’ Tarot before, here are a couple of links.

What do you think of the exercise – Card A helps with Card B? What do you think of the pairings – do they work?  


Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Inner Whispers · 9th December 2016 at 6:29 am

I always enjoy your "Card A helps Card B" posts, and the Rumi quotes add another wonderful layer! Beautiful 🙂

    Alison Cross · 19th December 2016 at 6:52 pm

    Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to say that, Chloe <3

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