Tarot Court Card | 2019 Theme

Published by Alison Cross on

Just a bit of Tarot Court Card fun to start us thinking about what we want for ourselves in 2019. I’ve done this for the past three years or so and it’s just a bit of fun, not rooted in any deep and meaningful ancient system. Just my own πŸ™‚

So, you might be working out your Major Arcana card for 2019 to give you a THEME for the coming year, as inspired by your personal year data.

To find our what your personal year card is, take your day and month of birth and and add to 39 (ie 20+19, the incoming year).
Here’s an example: mine!
+  8

Since there is no Major Arcana card numbered 60 (hey, we’re not using Minchiates here, people!), these digits need to be further reduced by adding them together, giving us a total of 6.
My theme for the year will be inspired by The Lovers *and I absolutely need to make better choices for myself!*
But since my blog focuses on the Court Cards, I thought we’d have a little fun and extend the exercise further:
Instead of adding up your digits, above, until they total 22 or under (ie the number of Major Arcana cards we have), total them up until they are 17 or less.
I numbered the Page of Pentacles, the lowliest of the lowly, as 1.  But your numbers will not reduce to one, so I’ve also accorded him 17 (because he’s also VERY special, as well as being the lowliest of the lowly).
So, if you add up to 17, then you are having a Page of Pents year πŸ™‚
Taking my example again, this means that my 6 – Lovers year – becomes further compounded by Court Card 6…. which is The Knight of Cups.  This year is going to be my Grail year, and my search will involve making better choices for myself!  *gives facebook some side-eye*
Want to take it further?! Well, you will be able to when my self-published book on court cards comes out at the beginning of July (at the latest!).
Have a try yourself and tell me who you end up with as your Court Card theme for the year!
Page of Pents (1) or 17
Page of Cups 2
Page of Swords 3
Page of Wands 4
Knight of Pents 5
Knight of Cups 6
Knight of Swords 7
Knight of Wands 8
Queen of Pents 9
Queen of Cups 10
Queen of Swords 11
Queen of Wands 12
King of Pentacles 13
King of Cups 14
King of Swords 15

King of Wands 16       

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.Β  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Linda West · 8th January 2019 at 9:26 pm

Hanged Man/Queen of Wands
Sounds right…

    Alison Cross · 2nd February 2019 at 1:42 pm

    Would be interested to see how it plays out for you, Linda. Keep notes!

Anonymous · 4th January 2019 at 8:45 pm

Lol, my major is Death and my court card is Mr. Stable (aka the King of Pentacles). A change that results in more stability? Or trying to stay stable/sane in the middle of changes? Or death to rich dudes? (Kidding!) I'm interested to see how this plays out…

    Alison Cross · 7th January 2019 at 5:22 pm

    would be interesting to see whether the King of Pentacles is useful in stressy situations this year!

Caroline Blackler · 1st January 2019 at 7:31 pm

King of Cups πŸ™‚ Hopefully my creative projects will start maturing this year!

Ania · 1st January 2019 at 9:24 am

Oh gawd, I got the moping haddock! Nooooooooooooo!

    Alison Cross · 2nd January 2019 at 10:34 am

    Time to find out the finest qualities of The Moping Haddock and put them to work for you πŸ˜€

    Ania · 2nd January 2019 at 11:06 am

    Perhaps I just need to eat more fish πŸ˜€

Bonnie Cehovet · 1st January 2019 at 8:30 am

Interesting take on going into the new year!

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