The Court Card Personality Types
Spotted this description of personality types in Thalassa Therese’s timeline this morning on Facebook – the 17 Genders as per the Regles de Composition by Marc Antoine Charpentier, 1682.
Of course, we know already that the sexes of the characters in the Court Cards has no bearing at all on the SEX of the personality type being discussed in a reading – Queens can refer to men etc but, what of these 17 types as court cards?
Two of these are the same description – serious and magnificent – which leaves 16 descriptions. Do you think that you could peg each of these to each of your court card personality types.
Which one, for example, describes you?!
Me? I’d like to be A Major, I think – but I’d settle for Bb Major!
cathy · 18th April 2019 at 7:41 pm
I didn’t understand the chart you presented. What did the major/minor mean? Were we just to assign a phrase to each of the courts/or other cards?
Thank you.
Alison Cross · 18th April 2019 at 7:46 pm
Hi Cathy, yes, forget about the Major and Minor bits on the left, that part of the table is limited to whatever the table was being used for originally. Those 16 definitions on the right though …. try allocating them to all 16 court cards! Might work, might not – fun exercise though! Ali x
Ania · 17th April 2019 at 1:12 pm
Hmmm. I think Bb for me 😀