Tarot Kaizen 2020
A few years ago, I created a facebook group for people like me who had lovely (and often expensive!) tarot decks lying at the back of a drawer gathering dust. The goal was to turn these decks into hard-working tarot tools. I created over 100 exercises for a handful of friends to apply to a 78-card deck. And now we are just about to start our eighth round! That’s EIGHT YEARS!
Eventually I gathered all the exercises together and turned them into an ebook, Tarot Kaizen, which you can find in all kindle stores worldwide.

Although it’s all geared up for a RWS type deck, folks have used it for Marseille work too, but in all honesty, I wouldn’t recommend it for Marseille type decks.
Solo Tarot Work? Group Tarot Work?
You don’t need to join the fb group – you can study alone. All you need is a journal of some description – a reporter’s notebook will do just as well as any fancy leather-bound journal – a tarot deck that you really want to connect with and the ebook. There are over 100 daily tarot exercises to flex your tarot deck muscles with.
However, if you would like some company on your journey, you can join us at Tarot Kaizen VIII over on facebook. Again, all you need is something to write in and a tarot deck that you are not familiar with.
You are very welcome to join us! It’s a small group (usually about a dozen or so), but very friendly.
This year we are using ‘units’ over on facebook, which will mean that the learning experience will be smoother for those who struggle to access the search box on their phone, tablet or desk top.
Because it’s our first time using this new system, I am loading up the exercises a week at a time, rather than the whole thing – which might be a bit mind-blowing in the beginning.
Still not sure? If you are curious about the book, here’s the first exercise for you to try out:
Tarot Kaizen: Exercise 1
When you bought this new deck, you probably flicked through it quickly to see whether you liked the imagery.
Today we are going to take our first official look at every card in your chosen deck.
You'll need your journal for the last part of the exercise.At this opening exercise stage, some people can't decide which deck it is that they want to work with and perform The Flick Through exercises on several decks at the one time.
This is fine – a great way to find out the best deck for you to start with.However, I wouldn't recommend that you continue for many more exercises with multiple decks as you won't learn about any deck very deeply. And you will burn up a LOT of journal pages AND time!
Let's begin.
Without thinking too deeply, you are going flick through your cards quickly and create three bundles. Go with your gut responses, not what your head tells you.
The three piles you are going to make are:
(you like the imagery or find it intriguing)
‘repel’ (you do not like the imagery)
‘meh' (the imagery doesn't wow or repel you)
Done it?
Now, let's dig a little deeper!
Take a look a the height of the resulting bundles.If your 'attract' and 'meh' piles are the biggest piles, this is a good sign, there are lots of cards in this deck that you instinctively love or are at least not repelled by.
If your ‘repel’ pile is higher than either of your other two – consider whether you wish to continue studying with this deck. There are lots of cards in this deck that you instinctively don't like – do you want to keep working with it?
This initial exercise is a good opportunity to make sure that you’ve not been struck into a stupor by a couple of gorgeous cards when buying this deck!
A word of advice, even if your 'repel' pile is the tallest, and you may struggle to make this into a working deck at the moment, don't automatically put the deck up for sale. Keep it safe, you may well return to it at a later date and be amazed that you didn't gel with it initially.
You have two more tasks today:
Next, list the QUANTITIES of cards in each pile eg:
2 cards in the REPEL pile
67 cards in the ATTRACT pile
9 cards in the MEH pile
Secondly, write out at the back of your journal the ACTUAL cards in each pile as this will be useful in future (eg 3 Wands, Temperance etc)If possible, leave the piles as they are because tomorrow's exercises will refer to them.
Sound like fun?
Not every exercise contains as much work as this first one does, but it DOES require some dedication if you are to be one of the last Tarotists standing in 110 days time!
If you would like to be part of the group, then it costs £50.00 to join. Sound like a lot? BUT once you’re in, you are IN for all future rounds of TK AND you won’t need to wait for a round to be initiated by me, you can just jump in at any point in the year and find friends on the same journey!
Interested? Send your payment using paypal to alisoncross007@gmail.com (in the Notes box add Tarot Kaizen Group) and I’ll add you into the group.
We start on Monday 3 February! See you there!