Tarot | Scottish Opera

Published by Alison Cross on

Just thought I’d share some images that Scottish Opera had printed to promote their season. I cannot tell a lie, this post was scheduled to post a looooong time ago, and failed.  So am popping it out now, because it’s good to share!

No, they are not proper Tarot cards, nor are they my raison d’etre court cards, but I am sharing them here to remind you to keep your eyes open for Tarot-inspired artworks everywhere.

These items of ephemera are worth seeking out and procuring to add to your collection.  One day they might be worth something to a collector. But in the meantime, they look excellent in little clip frames on the wall!

Alison Cross

The Tarot's Court Cards are my specialist area.  They talk to me. Not LITERALLY though ....


Inner Whispers · 29th September 2015 at 5:42 pm

I really like these, too! All good archetypes, full of drama and potential 😉

    Alison Cross · 30th September 2015 at 10:11 am

    They are so cool! The Opera names are listed along the side of the illustrations 🙂

    Inner Whispers · 1st October 2015 at 6:19 am

    Ah, that's an excellent idea!

Bonnie Cehovet · 29th September 2015 at 8:03 am

I think that the Scottish Opera did a great job here! I enjoyed seeing these cards! <3

    Alison Cross · 29th September 2015 at 9:59 am

    Thanks Bonnie! They're lovely, aren't they?

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