Just a bit of Tarot Court Card fun to kick us off into the New Year!
Lots of tarot buzz on Social Media about THEMES for the year, as inspired by the Major Arcana card that your personal year correlates to.
To find our what your personal year card is, take your day and month of birth and and add to 37 (ie 20+17, the incoming year).
Here’s an example: mine!
+ 8
Since there is no Major Arcana card numbered 58 (hey, we’re not using Minchiates here, people!), these digits need to be further reduced by adding them together, giving us a total of 13.
My theme for the year will be inspired by Death *pauses dramatically and sweeps cloak over shoulder*
But since my blog focuses on the Court Cards, I thought we’d have a little fun and extend the exercise further:
Instead of adding up your digits, above, until they total 22 or under (ie the number of Major Arcana cards we have), total them up until they are 17 or less.
I numbered the Page of Pentacles, the lowliest of the lowly, as 1. But your numbers will not reduce to one, so I’ve also accorded him 17 (because he’s also VERY special, as well as being the lowliest of the lowly).
So, if you add up to 17, then you are having a Page of Pents year 🙂
Taking my example again, this means that my 13 – Death year – becomes further compounded by Court Card 13…. which is The King of Pentacles. Hopefully, but doing a lot of judicious pruning and scything down of things that are no longer good for me, I will maybe start to become more productive and earn a bit more in the way of shekels.
Have a try yourself and tell me who you end up with as your Court Card theme for the year!
Page of Pents (1) or 17
Page of Cups 2
Page of Swords 3
Page of Wands 4
Knight of Pents 5
Knight of Cups 6
Knight of Swords 7
Knight of Wands 8
Queen of Pents 9
Queen of Cups 10
Queen of Swords 11
Queen of Wands 12
King of Pentacles 13
King of Cups 14
King of Swords 15
King of Wands 16 ←400 words
Alison · 22nd January 2017 at 2:35 pm
Hanged Man and Queen of Wands. An interesting combination! I understand the surrendering to the flow part, but the QoW adds a new flavour 🙂
Joanne Sprott · 5th January 2017 at 6:00 pm
Ah, Vivianne, you and I coincide on this one! Knight of Cups and the Lovers go together nicely, don't they? I'm looking forward to a loving year filled with interesting choices that will have long-term impact. The fact that I'll be deciding where to set up a new home with hubby fits nicely.
Great idea, Ali. 🙂
Alison Cross · 5th January 2017 at 7:25 pm
With the Knight of Cups, he can be a bit … divorced from the practicalities of life *grin* so be prepared to make decisions that perhaps run counter to your heart's desire, but that ARE actually for your own good in the long run lol! He may, perhaps, encourage you towards a more emotional response in areas where you are generally 'in control' 😀
Vivianne · 4th January 2017 at 11:34 pm
A Knight of Cups in a VI Lovers year ….
Alison Cross · 5th January 2017 at 7:21 pm
Oh I wonder how that will work out for you! How do you see these two marrying together?
Koneta · 3rd January 2017 at 12:54 pm
Justice and the Queen of Swords. I like it 🙂 Will have to delve.
Alison Cross · 3rd January 2017 at 11:12 pm
Good combo!
Ania · 31st December 2016 at 5:23 pm
Knight of Wands here – my least favourite court card :/
Alison Cross · 1st January 2017 at 6:10 pm
What is it about him that you don't like? That might be important 🙂
thecrazyangmoandhisangrywife · 22nd December 2016 at 10:50 pm
Oh! Quite quite interesting. What if mine is 19?
Alison Cross · 23rd December 2016 at 9:42 am
Because 19 is out with the range of numbers designated, you WOULD need to reduce it once again to bring your total into the range offered by the Court Cards ….. so your 19 would reduce down to 1+9 = 10, which makes you a Queen of Cups for 2017 😀
Anonymous · 21st December 2016 at 3:41 am
My court is the queen of cups and my major is the wheel of fortune. To me thats says that no matter what 2017 throws at me that for the most part my emotional maturity will be the thing that gets me through whatever it is. I certainly hope so ;-P
Alison Cross · 31st December 2016 at 1:50 pm
That's a good thing to hang on to for the coming 12 months!
Bonnie Cehovet · 20th December 2016 at 2:59 pm
Interesting take here. I generally view numbers for the Court Cards as being 11-14 of each suit. That system, however, would not work to determine a Court Card theme for a given year. It would also be a thought to take the Major Arcana card that represents an individual's given year, and perhaps simply pick a Court Card to represent the Seeker.
Alison Cross · 20th December 2016 at 6:10 pm
That's the great thing about fiddling about with numbers – they are all systems that are just bolted on to the Tarot. Of course you could do it as you suggest, but tI like the element of fun in working out which court card it is (rather than just picking a court that one likes the look of) 😀
Intuitive Psychic - Emma Sunerton-Burl · 20th December 2016 at 1:40 pm
Nice idea – I have an 11 – so in Thoth adjustment – balance and fairness, then the court is queen of swords – lots of truth there too, cutting to the quick – looks to be quite a sharp, honest sort of approach to the year for me.. Truth with a fairness attached. Nice 😀
Alison Cross · 20th December 2016 at 6:08 pm
oh, I like that! <3