Orient Tarot | Alexander Daniloff
Today’s card release into the wild of social networks are these two beauties :

Aren’t these guys glorious? On the left we have the Knight of Swords and on the right we have the Knight of Cups. I am loving the colour choices for the suits as well as having astrological symbolism on their shields – Gemini for the Knight of Swords and Pisces for the Knight of Cups.
The art styling is of the entire Orient and I am loving the Mughal-style of these warriors and their beautifully rendered horses with the sweeping landscapes behind them.
Although the deck is completed, there is still some way to go before this self-published beauty is for sale. I’m hoping that I won’t have to wait too much longer! I’ll have a price for you just as soon as Alexander has one!
You can see Alexander’s artwork here.